Salary of Doctors in Brunei

brunei darussalam

Salary of Doctors in Brunei : Brunei, a small yet prosperous nation on the island of Borneo, boasts a robust healthcare system. As we delve into the remuneration of doctors in this Southeast Asian gem, we’ll explore the factors that influence their salaries, the range of earnings, and the perks that come with the profession.

A. Understanding the Landscape

1. The Median Income

In Brunei, doctors and physicians earn an average monthly salary of 7,420 BND (approximately 89,000 BND annually) before tax deductions. This figure represents the middle ground, encompassing housing allowances, transportation benefits, and other perks.

2. Salary Variance

The medical field in Brunei exhibits significant discrepancies across various specialties. Let’s break it down:

  • Lowest Average: Some doctors start at 2,780 BND per month.
  • Highest Average: The upper echelon can earn up to 12,800 BND monthly.

B. Factors Influencing Earnings

1. Specialization Matters

  • General Practitioners (GPs): Their salaries tend to be more modest.
  • Specialists: Surgeons, cardiologists, and other specialists command higher pay due to their expertise.

2. Experience and Seniority

  • Junior doctors earn less, while seasoned practitioners with years of service enjoy better compensation.

3. Public vs. Private Sector

  • Doctors working in government hospitals receive tax-free salaries.
  • Private practitioners may earn more but face taxation.

C. Benefits and Perks

1. Tax-Free Income

  • Doctors in Brunei enjoy tax exemptions, enhancing their take-home pay.

2. Additional Perks

  • Annual Bonus: Contracted doctors receive bonuses.
  • Subsidized Housing: Housing allowances ease the cost of living.
  • Air Passage: Travel perks for professional development.


Brunei’s doctors find themselves in a unique position: serving a close-knit community while enjoying financial stability. Whether they choose public service or private practice, their dedication to healing remains unwavering. Next time you visit this tropical paradise, remember the tireless physicians working behind the scenes to keep Brunei healthy and thriving.

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